The point of a holiday is to sit back, relax and ultimately get some rest! If you’re constantly worried about the security of your property, be it at home or at work, then that isn’t going to happen.
If you are a ‘worrier’, we can happily tell you that you are not alone, not only that, but you are right to have concerns. As summer crime peaks, burglars and thieves are becoming increasingly brazen and ever more inventive with their methods of access.
You may consider your home already secure; however it is garages and sheds that are proving a popular target this summer, where a thief may not want to tackle your front door, nipping in and out of the shed could prove easy and lucrative.
Let’s also not forget that most burglars do not walk around fully equipped to launch a break in! Sheds, garages and outbuildings, more often than not, contain equipment which a burglar can utilise to break into your main property…where there is a ladder there is a way!
For these reasons it makes sense to fit sheds and garages with sturdy locks and security equipment. If you already have an alarm system installed in your main home, it may be possible to expand your house alarm system into your garage or shed at a relatively low cost.
If you wanted to take you security a step further, your alarm system can be monitored by Halifax Security. From as little as £3 per week your alarm system can be monitored 24 hours a day, notifying you, you’re nearest and dearest or our key holder guard service of an activation. HD CCTV with remote access is also a very useful tool if you are often on holiday. When combined with a monitored intruder alarm, it enables you to access live footage of your property via your computer or mobile device the minute that you receive an alarm activation notice.
Basic tips to avoid burglary
Always lock your doors & windows.
Set your burglar alarm at night and whenever you are away from home. If you don’t have an alarm, we recommend you have one fitted.
Always secure your shed or garage and don’t leave ladders or other tools outside. Spades, hammers, ladders and screwdrivers can all help a burglar gain access to your property.
Make sure your home looks occupied when you are away for longer periods, use automatic timers to turn lights on and off throughout the evening and cancel all regular deliveries such as milk and newspapers whilst you are away.